
MyKingDumb is a gaymer and JoystickTV streamer who is self-described as “He’s a very kinky girl, the kind you don’t take home to mother”, shoutout Gucci Mane. Armed with a game controller and a banana hammock his streams are great entertainment. Let’s find out more about his streaming journey.

MyKingDumb Interview

When and why did you start your streaming journey, and what initially inspired you to join the NSFW streaming community?
MKD: I Began streaming before the pandemic and lockdown hit, but as a console player it just wasn’t the same as my other content creator friends and those I was co streaming with. It took a lot of the fun out of it only being able to sit there on my PlayStation with just its little camera on the overlay. Time passed, the world got crazy – and things shifted and we slowly came back to life together living in a new way. I was certainly re-energized and ready to get back to the things I love. I got my first PC and I don’t even know how I managed to do what I did on that thing, but we were both troopers! I dug my toes deeper into streaming, finding elements, building overlays, emotes, etc. Coming from a background in Art/Graphic Design I always knew there was more I wanted to do with my streams it was just the tools limiting my capabilities…but NO MORE! My first PC overlays were like Lisa Frank and Barbie got together and threw a very big, very rowdy, very sparkly party and made a mess everywhere. I think one time someone from my old stream management team said my Starting Soon screen needed to come with a seizure warning! I took the comments to heart, and edited, edited…EDITED! I feel like it’s an ever-evolving process which is why I love streaming, there’s always something to add, change, or recreate all together so it keeps me engaged artistically in what I do and I love that.

I managed to grow a pretty decent following on “the purple platform” and fast – but with that came a lot of negative side effects. Trolls, jealousy, and all kinds of targeted attacks. People went out of their way to try to bring me down and get a rise out of me but baby, it’s gonna take a lot more than some pixels to keep this bad bitch down! I did however, slip up during a 13 hour stream while in drag wearing a silicone breast plate and had my FAKE rubber titty out for all of maybe 2 minutes but that was enough to get me perma banned. Due to the fact I was dressed female appearing and their inclusion rules they treated me as a woman and hit me with the indefinite suspension for nudity. It hurt, it was a huge surprise to wake up to after a really amazing 13 hour streamathon but it didn’t keep me away from what I love.

As someone who’s already worked in many NSFW spaces here in NYC as either a Gogo Boy, Club Host, Stripper, Performer – I’ve seen and done a lot and have a penchant for very skimpy clothing. It seemed only natural to utilize all these things in a new way…enter

Why did you choose as a streaming platform?
MKD: I tried another platform before I came to Joystick and honestly, I’m on Joystick so much I don’t even want to stream anywhere else. After getting the boot from the purple app I was really at not only a loss for words, but a huge loss financially – I moved into a different category on another platform called “Hot tubs, Pools, and Bikinis” I figured ‘Well crap, its time for the family jewels to earn their keep!’ We slapped on a banana hammock and entered a new streaming era for us. There were still a lot of rules in place, no extreme close ups of genitals, pretty much no touching as anything could have been read as sexy, and your game had to be only 10 percent of your stream. This was fine and all – it was just the shitty community of people coming thru with their homophobic, racist, xenophobic attacks that really bothered me. I’ve got a thick skin, but I’m also a Triple Scorpio aka DONT POKE THE SLEEPING BEAR! That was a lot to unpack off stream and it took a lot of the fun out of it, I’m not here to ban every creative way of spelling terrible things. I didn’t want to use my time thinking like the people who would come into my chat just to keep my stream and community safe. When I found out about JSTV my first instinct wasn’t to go ‘Full Monty’ – but finally a place where I can sit there in a thong or g string and hell – if things get spicy, they get spicy! It felt great that there was somewhere I could go to be me, wear what I like to wear and what makes me feel comfortable and not get in trouble for scratching my nuts!


What do you enjoy the most about streaming on
MKD: I think what I enjoy the most about JSTV is the community here is growing, but still somehow so tight knit and uplifting. There’s incredible people here and it’s not just the streamers or viewers but for me it’s seeing how hands on the Developers are still with this project. There doesn’t seem to be a “We built this now use it and good luck.” vibe here – there are Devs who actively stream on JSTV to test the things they’ve created or put in place and that’s friggin rad. It shows how much they care and that’s important to me. I want to be somewhere where I’m not standing here alone screaming “HEY I CARE!” into the void only to hear crickets chirping back. I also love how all the elements most of use here are BUILT IN! The bots are here, the overlays are here, the notices are here, the alerts ARE HERE! The biggest downside to streaming is having to find all these elements from different places and bring them into your stream but Joystick has made it really easy to do all the cool things you see and they’ve even taken the time to make sure there’s really easy to read and understand instructions for said elements. I think honestly that was another huge reason why I loved it when I initially came to JSTV – I didn’t have to hunt for anything, it was all laid out beautifully for me in more ways than one. 😉

What video games/hobbies do you prefer to stream?
MKD: Some of my favorite games to stream are generally Horror, or Shooters. I grew up playing COD and as a baby gay there was something really thrilling in being able to take down some homophobic players and throw my KD ratio in their face. I’ve been in a Fortnite League, and I’ve also ran RolePlay Events in FFXIV. I love my nerds, and I will cherish them always – when I’m not gaming on here there’s a huge chance you will find me streaming a DJ set for FFXIV – they LOVE to party in that MMO and I love to have a good time so its the perfect relationship. Those are generally SFW streams as the community in that game isn’t always horny on main though a lot would beg to differ. I am dipping my toes into DJing in Second Life in hopes of being able to have more fun with a NSFW DJ set. I’d really love to see how my Lovense toys can fuck with my mixing skills! I am a glutton for punishment. I was making waves on other platforms for my Drag Streams and I’d like to bring that to JSTV I just don’t know in what capacity yet.


What do you do when you’re not streaming?
MKD: My life revolves around my Social Work and Streaming. It’s taken me a lot of hard work to get to where I am in life today and I’m so grateful to be able to live as I do and do what I love but it hasn’t come easy. A lot of my childhood and teenage years I took took took from anyone, everyone…I thought that’s what I needed to do to survive but then I found a new way of living and a new way to help not only myself but others. Giving back is something I’ve been doing in my adult life when I can and however I can. The joy that fills me with is how I can sleep at night knowing I’m a bad ass motherfucker. I’ve lent my face, and name to many charities in and out of drag, raising funds for matters that are important to me or under supported in our own Queer communities. Some of my favorite charities I’ve worked with in the past include: Keep A Child Alive, Gays Against Guns, American Civil Liberties Union, Ali Forney Center, HIV Equal, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. There’s a lot of big name LGBTQIA Charities out there that outshine some of the smaller people that also need help too! I’ve found ways to utilize activism and advocacy in FFXIV and Stream A Thons and it’s not something I’m planning to stop any time soon! I can’t wait to see what the rest of my journey has in store for me.

If you want to support MyKingDumb please make sure to check out his profile. Check out other great interviews of streamers.